Search results for: gender diversity

Financial services firm asks BAME communities to take part in ethnicity pensions gap survey

Interactive Investor is asking BAME communities to take part in a survey to explore pensions inequities

Teknion CIO on the importance of fostering multi-generational talent

John Comacchio, Senior Vice President and CIO at Teknion talks about the importance of fostering multi-generational talent

Stop the silence: Our words shape our world, and your voice matters

Shundrawn Thomas speaks out in support of our Asian American and Pacific Islander colleagues and friends

Challenge what “qualified” looks like, says Bloomberg’s Alia Shafir

Are tech firms rejecting candidates due to a set of “impossible criteria” which could be stalling diversity?

Combatting bias is the key to building back better

Kelly Hart looks at the active steps to improve inclusion, reduce bias and combat the impact of that pandemic

reboot: Believing you can change the world is the first step to changing it

Accenture’s Oluchi Ikechi says education, advocacy, investment and evaluation are key to breaking glass barriers

Workspace provider partners with LGBTQ+ organisation to create “real” inclusion

Certified Proud will help Huckletree boost LGBTQ+ inclusion in its business

iStock data reveals businesses aren’t making their visual communications inclusive enough

While businesses are featuring more BAME women in their visual communications, when illustrating working life during COVID-19, women remain the caregivers

How are working women coping one year after lockdown?

Women in the technology sector reflect on what the last year of lockdown has been like

Why are organisations ignoring the business case for disability inclusion?

Hiring people with disabilities is good for revenue, so why are firms stalling on inclusion? Diversability CEO Tiffany Yu says leaders need to self-reflect if they want to unplug their bias