Search results for: gender diversity

Diversity plus inclusivity equals success at Diageo

Mairéad Nayager, Chief HR Officer, shares Diageo’s journey to becoming one of the world’s most inclusive and diverse businesses.

Keep gender on the agenda in STEM – now more than ever

As the world relies on their work during the COVID-19 crisis, gender equality for women in STEM must remain on the agenda.

Considering the equality, diversity and inclusion impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

Why are underrepresented groups being disproportionately impacted by COVID-19? Emma Lawrence, Senior Equality and Diversity Policy Officer at The Nursing and Midwifery Council, explores a worrying trend.

Government halts gender pay gap reporting during COVID-19 outbreak

Enforcement of the gender pay gap reporting deadlines suspended for this year as businesses manage impact of COVID-19.

Unilever launches data service to ease Gender Pay Gap reporting

Launch of a new data analytical service set to take the strain out of Gender Pay Gap reporting for other employers.

RPC signs Women in Law Pledge to boost gender equality in the legal profession

A new internal 15-point Gender Balance Plan underlines law firm’s further commitment to eradicating gender inequality.

Alexander Mann Solutions forms new partnership to drive workplace gender equality

Global talent acquisition and management specialist seeks gender equality in the workplace for girls from the least advantaged communities.

Has the FTSE 100 boardroom gender gap really narrowed?

While females now account for a third of board membership among the UK’s elite companies, a staggering 88% of their roles are in a non-executive capacity, finds DiversityQ.

Funding Options signs the Women in Finance Charter to accelerate focus on diversity and inclusion

The data-driven lending platform sets new targets for itself, and introduces new flexible working policies to foster diversity and inclusion.

Women@eBay lead on diversity and inclusion

Trina Williams Limpert’s Women@eBay initiative shortlisted for Diversity Initiative of the Year for the Women in IT New York 2020 Awards.