Search results for: equality

To increase diversity, first tackle ‘Corporate Clone Syndrome’

Corporate Clone Syndrome is a thing. Award-winning corporate coach and psychometric trainer Rita Chowdhry explains why.

No Tory or Brexit party support for LGBT+ Manifesto

Green Party leads the way with support for the LGBT+ community, with the most party candidates signed up to LGBT+ Manifesto.

Truths were told at the inaugural DiversityQ D&I Practitioners Summit

From valuable tips, courses, book recommendations and straight-talking, the DiversityQ D&I Practitioners Summit had it all.

Writing inclusive tech job adverts and why they matter

Frank Recruitment Group Director Danielle Ramsbottom looks at the importance of inclusive job adverts in the IT sector.

Could equal parental leave create equal opportunity for all?

With the General Election fast approaching, the Labour party has pledged to improve parental leave and women’s working rights in the office.

49% of staff believe they are a victim of unfair pay, says CIPD report

Keeping staff in the dark about salaries feeds the perception of unfair pay, new research from the CIPD finds.

#PurpleLightUp challenges the narrative around disability in the workplace

#PurpleLightUp celebrates the economic empowerment of disabled people across the globe in support of International Day for Persons with Disabilities.

Flexible working has increased five-fold in the last 20 years

With the number of people working flexible hours increasing by nearly 50% in the last 20 years, this is important when bringing equality to the workplace.

Women in IT Ireland 2019 winners celebrate in style in Dublin

And the Women in IT Ireland 2019 ‘Woman of the Year’ award goes to…All is revealed at a glittering ceremony held at Mansion House, Dublin.

Joanne Lockwood: treat transgender and non-binary people as people

Employers need to do more to support people who are transgender or non-binary and not allow them to be afraid of who they are. Joanne Lockwood, an inclusion and belonging specialist, explains how.