Search results for: diversity

Working from home during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Home working doesn’t need to be lone working. Verriberri’s Sarah Kauter on how to look after your mental health during the COVID 19 Pandemic.

Can your employer refuse to let you work from home?

As the UK’s coronavirus safeguarding measures continue, Mini Setty explains the law on employees’ rights to work from home.

Remote working is not as doom and gloom as you may think

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, more people across the world will be remote working than ever, but how can you make the best of it?

The investor opening up opportunities for minority-owned businesses

Mike McKie’s Bayleaf Angel Investments offers a taste of success to minority-owned businesses.

e-days partners with Doctor Care Anywhere providing virtual GP services

New virtual GP services first of its kind to link absence management systems to on-demand medical healthcare and advice.

Preparing the workforce as flexible working goes viral

Chris Parke, CEO of Talking Talent, shares top-tips on how to provide employees with clear and supported flexible working practices.

How the tech industry can lead the charge on equality

How can the tech industry embrace equality? Nick Ismail spoke to seven women about their personal experiences to find out.

How supported employment services can help employers

For companies employing people with disabilities, supported employment services can provide invaluable aid for employer and employee alike.

Disability employment gap: what employers want to see from Government

Business Disability Forum CEO, Diane Lightfoot, explains what employers want the Government to do to close the disability employment gap.

Working from home – how to facilitate the movement

Working from home has risen globally by 159% since 2005, and amid the COVID-19 outbreak, it has surged in popularity.