Search results for: diversity

Women less likely to want a full-time office position following COVID-19

In the UK, female employees are looking for a flexible working model

Inclusivity is today’s marketing imperative

Although the world has moved on, marketers are still using the same outdated categories in business, putting aside inclusivity

Techfugees: empowering refugees through technology

The number of displaced people on the planet is close to 80 million – a population the size of Germany and a rich source of talent.

Gender pay gap reporting suspension follows years of falling submissions

Gender pay gap reporting submissions have been falling since 2018, making this year’s delayed deadline a hindrance to equal pay efforts

What it takes to make a “meaningful investment” in transgender inclusion

Cybersecurity lead Danielle Wood shares some of her experiences as a trans woman in the industry

Teknion CIO on the importance of fostering multi-generational talent

John Comacchio, Senior Vice President and CIO at Teknion talks about the importance of fostering multi-generational talent

Where you work, do ordinary lives matter?

George Floyd’s legacy could deeply unify – or be remembered in history as a lost opportunity

Adaptive personalities essential for steering through technological change

Data is king and influences everything, says Tasha Jones ahead of this month’s Women in IT Summit USA

3 pillars of digital transformation in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic

Kelly Nuckolls used new ways of working, brought on by COVID-19, to digitally transform Infosystems

Stop the silence: Our words shape our world, and your voice matters

Shundrawn Thomas speaks out in support of our Asian American and Pacific Islander colleagues and friends