Search results for: diversity in tech

How the metaverse will impact customer service

Interactions with consumers before, during and after purchases

DFINITY Foundation announces up to $100K in grants for female developers and entrepreneurs

Women encouraged to lead the charge in the Web3 movement

Ability: overcoming the barriers for people with disabilities

Charitable housing association L&Q is at the forefront of disability recognition

Ethnic minorities twice as likely to lie about their career choices, says survey

Cultural pressures weigh more heavily with Black and Arab workers

6 Tips for creating a happy and productive workplace in 2023

Experts encourage healthy workplace habits maximizing employee satisfaction

GTA Black Women: understanding the power of presentation and personal branding

Flavilla Fongang tells DiversityQ how becoming an entrepreneur enabled her to showcase her talents

Mind the workforce gender gap: ways to combat the ‘pink pandemic’

Tips on how organisations, women and allies can address gender bias

Balancing recruitment and DE&I needs amid the Great Contemplation

Organisations are struggling to keep their focus on purposeful recruitment

No to age unconscious bias, says Punter Southall Aspire

Steve Butler wants to see an end to discriminating older workers

What’s in store for HR and wellbeing leaders in 2023? 

Global standards are set to put more pressure on firms to prioritise wellbeing