Search results for: diversity and inclusion

Putting BAME representation on the agenda in financial services

Industry needs to understand its ‘unconscious biases’ and mitigate the impact they have on decisions and BAME professionals.

MyKindaFuture Unveils plans to support underrepresented talent

MyKindaFuture’s new strategy will see the company widening its offering to support all overlooked talent in the UK.

Only 1 in 10 finance sector firms have fully diverse policies

The financial services industry is lagging woefully behind other sectors when it comes to having LGBT+ supportive policies in the workplace.

Could equal parental leave create equal opportunity for all?

With the General Election fast approaching, the Labour party has pledged to improve parental leave and women’s working rights in the office.

#PurpleLightUp challenges the narrative around disability in the workplace

#PurpleLightUp celebrates the economic empowerment of disabled people across the globe in support of International Day for Persons with Disabilities.

Flexible working has increased five-fold in the last 20 years

With the number of people working flexible hours increasing by nearly 50% in the last 20 years, this is important when bringing equality to the workplace.

Want to solve the tech talent shortage? Focus on the next generation

With a talent war looming in the tech world, companies will have to recognise the need for diversity.

Investment: Firms should be open about LGBT+ recruitment

Creating an inclusive workplace is vital to retaining professionals, industry association says

Simon Stilwell: from Army captain to D&I champion

Bonhill Group CEO made the transition from the Army to a successful career in finance, before becoming a D&I champion.

How HR can practically improve inclusivity using data

People analytics is a powerful tool that can aid HR professionals in their recruitment, retention, and culture efforts, say Hibob.