Search results for: diverse talent

How to avoid superficial D&I a year on from George Floyd

Firms must ensure any changes made aren’t just for public image, says Popoola

BITC’s Sandra Kerr CBE on why listening to employee experiences will tackle workplace racism

Kerr has seen more firms commit to D&I since Floyd’s death but says goal setting to drive action and listening to employee experiences is crucial

1 in 10 businesses have no anti-bias hiring practices

Many businesses are failing to implement well-established anti-bias hiring practices

How to attract more disabled candidates to job roles

Partnering with specialist agencies is one way to try and hire more disabled candidates

Championing diversity and inclusion as a leader at Salesforce

Musidora Jorgensen, Area Vice President – Head of UK Energy & Utilities at Salesforce

Global employee network leadership programme has free spaces

A digital leadership programme is offering free places to employee network leads

How reverse mentoring can elevate your DEI agenda

Could reverse mentoring fast-track organisational diversity and inclusion?

New index reveals what organisations are getting right (and wrong) on D&I

The D&I practices of 13 global organisations have been shared

Overcoming bias: 3 tips for better insight into your employees and markets

While companies claim to value diversity often they harbour personal and organisational bias limiting access to wider perspectives

Fintech has a bigger diversity, equality and inclusion problem than it realises

Paysafe is making strides to embed diversity, equality and inclusion across its workforce but can other fintech firms make the same claim?