Search results for: company culture

3 Minutes With: Lisa O’Connor, managing director, Accenture

Ahead of the Women in IT Summit New York, Lisa O’Connor, managing director at Accenture, spoke to Information Age about her part in the event and promoting diversity

Only 15% of FTSE 100 CTOs are women — time for a change?

Research from developer recruitment platform CodinGame has found that only 15% of FTSE 100 CTOs are women

Remote leadership: providing support for distributed teams

Red Hat’s Stefanie Chiras explains the key to inclusive leadership when supported distributed teams

Cornerstone hires Chief Diversity Officer

Demand for Chief Diversity Officers surged by 105% last year with Cornerstone leading by example with their new recruit

Why training in diversity and inclusion is a business’ biggest blind spot

Diversity and inclusion training courses are one of the most overlooked areas of many businesses, but they shouldn’t be…

New partnership commits to increasing diversity in communications

The communications industry is overwhelmingly white, but HP and TLF are partnering to bring representation to the industry.

Blind recruiting aids diversity and inclusion

Riham Satti, co-founder and CEO of MeVitae, reveals how technology can attract broader and more diverse talent

CBI sets out to Change the Race Ratio at the top of British businesses

British businesses are launching a new campaign to increase racial and ethnic participation in senior leadership

What is the future of corporate social responsibility?

Intel is leading the industry standard by releasing their corporate social responsibility report, detailing their goals for diversity.

Businesses champion disability inclusion on 75th anniversary of UNGA

Global businesses AGL Energy, Daimler, DuPont, Financial Times, B&Q and Verizon sign up to putting disability inclusion on their board agenda