Search results for: Mental Health

How to manage a narcissist in the workplace

Business psychologist Dr Lynda Shaw explains the signs of workplace narcissism and how to manage it

FDM Group’s pay gap improved from -2.1% to -9.6% this year

FDM credits its improved gender pay gap to a series of gender inclusion initiatives

Gender equity and inclusion: from good intentions to real change

MARC (Men Advocating Real Change) holds men to account for gender equity and inclusion

MPs and Peers report the state of diversity and inclusion in STEM workforce

The UK’s economic recovery provides an opportunity to address structural issues in the STEM workforce

Resilience lower among women, public sector and part time workers, says new report

Higher employee resilience could boost retention rates, so should workers be given more training and support?

What can businesses do about employees who don’t want the vaccine?

Leaders have an obligation to respond to employee decisions about getting vaccinated responsibly

UK regulatory bodies devise D&I plan for financial services industry

The FCA, PRA, and Bank of England want to improve D&I in the financial services sector

Your questions answered

WIT UK Summit speakers answer some of your questions from the live event Q&A…

Why businesses should make space for conversations about body diversity

Body shape receives little attention in workplace D&I despite the evidence of weight bias

Creative Spirit – the force creating the IDD talent pool

Creative Spirit is shifting employer attitudes towards IDD hiring, one candidate at a time