Search results for: HR experience

Am I not getting a job because I’m a woman and Muslim?

In this column, Tasneem Abdur-Rashid shares what it is like to be a ‘multi-disadvantaged’ woman and Muslim seeking employment in the UK.

TVSquared: why perfect is the enemy of good for women in STEM roles

Gapsquare: taking a leading role in shaping the future of fair pay

Gapsquare aims to square the pay gap disparities in the UK – and beyond.

What Labour’s anti-Semitism problem should teach employers

How women can overcome impostor syndrome at work

Despite women making inroads in business, many still experience impostor syndrome

How small workplace adjustments can benefit disabled people

Making disabled employees feel valued and included is essential

Diversity is the party invite – inclusion is being able to dance with abandon

Humanity in technology is the key to meaningful change in the workplace

7 diversity hiring tips for SMEs

Hiring the right talent for your SME is essential, but are you thinking about diversity?

To empower female businesswomen, we need to break down the myth of the self-made entrepreneur

Studies suggest that investors are biased against women. Fix this, and the business landscape could change as well