Search results for: HR experience

Compliance sector marred by lip service on diversity

Diversity implementations in the financial services sector are shallow and ineffectual, suggests a new ICA report on the compliance sector

Workplace racial equality initiative demands active change from businesses

A new initiative is demanding more from organisations in order to achieve racial equality in the workplace

Lockdown reveals employee confidence crisis

Workers are struggling with their self-esteem during Covid-19, but these issues are part of a longer-term problem

Some leadership traits can boost a company, others can make it sink, says new study

Common leadership traits can impact their wider organisation for the better or worse

Organisation goes remote to solve journalism’s diversity issue

A mentorship scheme for journalists has gone online during lockdown. Will it help open up the sector to BAME and working-class candidates?

Are president Biden’s nominees diverse enough?

Democratic presidents have a history of making diverse nominations, but is Biden going far enough with his?

LGBT inclusion should come from leadership

100 business leaders have been noted for their passionate commitment to LGBT+ rights at work

Career mentorship platform targets graduates from diverse institutions

Industry leaders are joining a platform to offer career advice to underrepresented graduates

Secrets from an expert on how to propel your tech sales career

Salesforce Account Executive Fantagbè Traoré has built her tech sales career from the ground up, and here’s how she did it

Precisely: driving the D&I agenda

How do you keep up the momentum of building a diverse and inclusive culture when companies merge? Tendu Yogurtcu, Chief Technical Officer at Precisely, has the answers