Search results for: Equity

Diverse employees and £40bn: the gains of flexible working

Flexible working means greater employment access for disabled talent and more

How to eradicate microaggressions from the workplace

Leaders must take charge on first understanding then dismantling microaggressions

Morgan Stanley accelerates social mobility for London’s Youth

New ‘Advancing Futures’ programme to provide a career path for ethnically diverse students

How to spot and deal with microaggressions against transgender staff

Microaggressions can be just as damaging to mental health as other forms of discrimination

Who is Delores Mullings, the new Vice Provost for ED&I at MUN?

Delores Mullings is responsible for leading change on the university’s campuses to make them more inclusive.

Businesses can’t afford the luxury of DE&I fatigue

June Sarpong discusses DE&I and how to future proof your business

IMI reveals plan to boost senior diversity in automotive sector

Diverse representation is low across the automotive workforce but especially in senior roles

Bridge Partners places Helena Haynes-Carter into high-profile DEI role in financial services

The inclusive search firm placed Helena Haynes-Carter into a core DEI role at KeyBank

WIAM UK & Europe Summit: changing industry approaches to diversity and inclusion

To improve D&I, firms must collate their data in different ways and truly lead from the top

Women say age isn’t a barrier in education but appearance might be

Women more than men believe that equality and diversity training should be for all people