Search results for: ERG

The transport firm with a 5% higher female representation rate

Business Development head Sarah Bott breaks down what Passenger is doing for female inclusion

New global survey reveals remote working could boost talent retention

Nearly half of employees surveyed by Globalization Partners feel happier at work since going remote

International Youth Day 2021 – engaging young people in the modern workplace

Tech industry leaders reflect on the ways to engage young talent in the workplace

What the National Disability Strategy means for disabled people, employment and entrepreneurship

Kaleidoscope Group, a platform working to empower disability through business, reflects upon the proposed strategy

“PR star” wants to boost BAME representation in public relations

Naomi MG Smith says her time at Coventry University gave her the skills, experience and confidence to enter public relations later on

How to cultivate compassionate organisations: an antidote to pandemic trauma

Pandemic trauma is real and we have no idea how to cope with it

Her story: Women in technical fields combatting challenges

Women at Clearfield shout loud and proud about their success!

Why we need more mentoring programmes for women in tech

With the female drop out rate in tech as high as 50%, could mentorship programmes for women help?

How Pearl Lemon became a white minority business

At Pearl Lemon, the leaders focus on merit and talent

Dr Yvonne Thompson CBE joins board at cross-industry charity, OKRE

New charity OKRE has just appointed advisory professional Dr Yvonne Thompson CBE as its first Chair