Search results for: Diversity and inclusion

One Young World names its host cities for 2023 and 2024 Summits

The global youth leadership organisation reveals its 2023 and 2024 Summit locations

Why are organisations ignoring the business case for disability inclusion?

Hiring people with disabilities is good for revenue, so why are firms stalling on inclusion? Diversability CEO Tiffany Yu says leaders need to self-reflect if they want to unplug their bias

FPA asks members to join initiative to boost inclusitivity for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

The main authority for financial planning professionals is asking all members to join an initiative to further inclusion for its Asian American and Pacific Islander community

New recruitment tech to ensure brightest and best diverse candidates get jobs

New technology powered by Golden Bees could improve the quality and speed of recruitment processes on major diversity recruitment sites, ensuring the best candidates get a chance

Why COVID-19 and new tech has changed recruitment and retention

The speakers at our Talent Acquisition & Retention Virtual Summit agreed that the role of recruiters and candidate values have changed since COVID-19

Alleviating the burdens of working mothers in COVID-19 and beyond

The pressures faced by working mothers can cause many to leave the workforce for good, this female founder believes that employers need to learn the lesson of flexibility if they want to retain them

How to turn your recruitment processes into a winning formula following a pandemic

Has the pandemic forced firms to revolutionise their recruitment processes? Nabila Salem, President at Revolent Group, thinks so…

Healthcare provider signs pledge to end pinkwashing and improve “real” LGBT+ inclusion

A healthcare provider has proven that it’s serious about LGBT+ inclusion

The rise of pandemic-driven xenophobia: why we need to fight back

Threats to humanity, particularly the insidious nature of pandemics, increase xenophobic behaviour in humans. Why?

Biggest talent and hiring trends to look out for in 2021

ZoĆ« Morris, President at Frank Recruitment Group, shares how to embrace the new ‘normal’ in recruitment, ahead of our Talent Acquisition and Retention Summit