Search results for: Diverse talent

Black representation in UK investment industry under 1%

Industry trade body says now is the time to lead from the front and be a catalyst for social change to improve black representation.

Communication is key at diversity champions GuideSpark

GuideSpark is helping companies to improve engagement and inclusion by making communication relevant to a diverse workforce. This means avoiding a one-size-fits-all approach.

E2W’s 2020 outlook. A cure for insomnia: truth or consequences

Here’s to 2020, and let’s hope it comes with an accelerated pace of change for female equality in the workplace, says Mark Freed, CEO of E2W, who have been supporting women in their financial services careers since 2002.

To increase diversity, first tackle ‘Corporate Clone Syndrome’

Corporate Clone Syndrome is a thing. Award-winning corporate coach and psychometric trainer Rita Chowdhry explains why.

Only half of BAME and LGBTQ+ women feel included in company decision-making

Straight white men still dominate across all aspects of business decision making, according to Culture Amp global research of over 34,000 employees.

Truths were told at the inaugural DiversityQ D&I Practitioners Summit

From valuable tips, courses, book recommendations and straight-talking, the DiversityQ D&I Practitioners Summit had it all.

Writing inclusive tech job adverts and why they matter

Frank Recruitment Group Director Danielle Ramsbottom looks at the importance of inclusive job adverts in the IT sector.

Financial Times applauds Advanced for its diversity

Advanced stands out from 80,000 companies as one of the world’s most diverse and inclusive businesses says FT.

Flexible working has increased five-fold in the last 20 years

With the number of people working flexible hours increasing by nearly 50% in the last 20 years, this is important when bringing equality to the workplace.

Do AI-driven assessments lead to increased diversity in the workplace?

Diversity in the workplace is an ongoing hot topic and buzzword in the HR world, but what does it mean in the real world?