Search results for: Diverse talent

BBC and Getty Images team up to help diversify media

Photographers across the UK are being given access to funding to help them diversify media for children and and families

New Corporate Advisory Board helps diversify future candidate pools

Urban Synergy’s new Corporate Advisory Board looks to provide future job opportunities for BAME and disadvantaged young people

Only 15% of FTSE 100 CTOs are women — time for a change?

Research from developer recruitment platform CodinGame has found that only 15% of FTSE 100 CTOs are women

Cornerstone hires Chief Diversity Officer

Demand for Chief Diversity Officers surged by 105% last year with Cornerstone leading by example with their new recruit

Axiom releases new Diversity Report and Diversity by Design framework

The global leader in legal talent launches Diversity by Design, reaffirming the company’s commitment to diversity and inclusion

AIC brings diversity to investment company boards

The Association of Investment Companies continues its mission to diversify investment boards with the launch of a new online tool

CBI sets out to Change the Race Ratio at the top of British businesses

British businesses are launching a new campaign to increase racial and ethnic participation in senior leadership

So, you’ve pledged to improve on diversity. Now what?

What does it take for business leaders to close the gap between rhetoric and reality on racial equity at work?

Employees continue to benefit from gender diversity

Employee focus on gender diversity has risen in recent years, and so has its impact on company performance.

How women in the creative industry can support each other online

A new platform for women and non-binary people in the creative industry has become a success