Search results for: Business Disability Forum

Law firm Browne Jacobson proves it’s serious about advocacy, impact, and allyship

The law firm has sponsored a networking event for Black professionals

SAP: putting the flexibility into flexible working

Atkinson explains how SAP is shifting its global framework to ensure staff have the flexibility to work at their best

“Check your bias as often as you check your spelling” – the key to inclusion in tech

Equity in tech means becoming more aware of biases, not getting rid of them, says Abadesi Osunsade

EHRC warns retailers about face mask discrimination

Retailers risk violating the Equality Act 2020 if they refuse customers who are exempt from wearing face coverings

WEF launches anti-racism workplace coalition

New World Economic Forum coalition commits to improving racial and ethnic justice in the workplace

Technology and diversity: ensuring ADA compliance with workplace tech

In an increasingly global corporate climate, ensuring workplace diversity is an important component of a company’s continued viability

GSMA launches framework to improve inclusion for people with disabilities

Technology helps improve the lives of people with disabilities across the world. It must be truly accessible for all

Wilson James: The journey of creating a diverse workforce – Part 2

In our second interview with Wilson James, we ask why improving diversity and inclusion in the workplace should be a priority for businesses

Taking time to cultivate an inclusive culture at Allianz is paying dividends

Employee networks, executive backing and public displays of its commitment to diversity and inclusion are driving cultural change at Allianz

CDS and University of Cambridge to host digital inclusivity workshop

CDS explores why an inclusive strategy is important, what inclusive design really means and how to test with users in context