Search results for: inclusive workplace

High-level diversity and inclusion role key to driving organisational change

Commonwealth Financial Network bolsters its diversity, equity and inclusion strategy with new C-suite recruit.

Investment in upskilling could boost global GDP by $6.5 trillion by 2030

New report highlights the need for upskilling to be accelerated across all sectors to safeguard the economy

Non-profit’s $5m cash injection will further The valuable 500’s global disability inclusion agenda

Launched at Davos in 2019, The Valuable 500 is on a mission to foster disability inclusion worldwide by disseminating teachings and leveraging the influence of corporate CEOs

Compliance sector marred by lip service on diversity

Diversity implementations in the financial services sector are shallow and ineffectual, suggests a new ICA report on the compliance sector

Lockdown reveals employee confidence crisis

Workers are struggling with their self-esteem during Covid-19, but these issues are part of a longer-term problem

Diversity, equality and inclusion are for the whole organisation, not just HR

Global Director Sheree Atcheson is demanding more Demanding More organisation’s DE&I strategies to drive meaningful change

Precisely: driving the D&I agenda

How do you keep up the momentum of building a diverse and inclusive culture when companies merge? Tendu Yogurtcu, Chief Technical Officer at Precisely, has the answers

Dearth of female STEM students fuels skills gap

More female role models in the STEM industry are needed to plug the gender and skills gap at work

Ethnic minority leaders get a “reboot” from new digital campaign

A new digital campaign invites allies to join ethnic minority leaders in workplace diversity and inclusion discussions

Human-centric innovation: how to drive a trusted D&I future

Fujitsu’s Head of Diversity, Inclusion and Wellbeing – Kelly Metcalf – shares her top predictions for D&I in 2021