Search results for: inclusive workplace

Why workplace inclusion and diversity is still a challenge today

Instant Offices paints a global picture of the reality of inclusion and diversity in workplaces around the world.

How technology is helping to make companies more inclusive and diverse

D&I technology is a market gaining traction. Adrien Gaubert, an expert in LGBT recruitment, highlights which are making a difference.

VERCIDA: making diversity an asset in the workplace

There are around 16,000 recruitment companies in the UK, but VERCIDA has broken the mould with its approach to diversity.

Tips for maintaining productivity and performance inclusively

Maintaining productivity and performance inclusively is not easy during a crisis. Global leader in organisational design, Nakisa, knows how.

Alexander Mann Solutions forms new partnership to drive workplace gender equality

Global talent acquisition and management specialist seeks gender equality in the workplace for girls from the least advantaged communities.

Northern Trust: strategy and data are key to boosting D&I in the workplace

Northern Trust’s Sarah Boddey knows first-hand the benefits of attracting junior staff from diverse backgrounds.

Equality in the workplace: Equality Commission’s asks for 2020

Equality Commission’s CEO Rebecca Hilsenrath outlines their ten asks for employers and Government to advance workplace equality this year.

Peer calls on Government to commit to levelling up workplace equality

Conservative peer uses private member’s bill to help make new Government’s commitment to levelling up a reality.

Contentstack: one diverse team, one inclusive dream

Content management system pioneer Contentstack is reaping the benefits of having a diverse workforce, as CEO Neha Sampat reveals.

VERCIDA and IBM announce the diversity in the workplace index

Global tech and D&I leadership specialists, announce the Diversity in the Workplace Index at an Inclusive.Hiring 2020 industry event.