Search results for: ethnicity in the workplace

3 ways to kick-start your disability and ethnicity pay gap preparations

Disability and ethnicity pay gap reporting could soon become mandatory

How diversity can help creativity in the workplace – and save your job from robots

Workplace diversity in the NHS

Ensuring that employee demographics continue to reflect the communities it serves is a perpetual challenge for hiring managers and HR leaders.

Diversity and inclusion is more than just ethnicity and gender

Race and the workplace: 5 ways businesses can use BAME employee networks for growth

reboot.: Reflecting on one year of the financial services campaign

Noreen Biddle Shah details the achievements of ethnic diversity initiative

#talkboutblack: so…where do we go from here?

Leading Fund Manager at LGIM, and a key mastermind behind #talkaboutblack, asks what’s next on the road to race equality in the UK

Board diversity in the US is on the rise, but still has a way to go

Statistics show that US companies are beginning to create a more diverse boardroom. But while boardroom diversity is increasing, Deb DeHaas believes it’s far from a level playing field.

Winning DE&I strategy at BNP Paribas

Women in Finance award winner Ama Ocansey shares why it is essential to understand your business’s priorities to advance DE&I.

McKinsey report reveals challenges faced by BBP women in UK workforce

Race in the UK Workplace: The intersectional experience calls for targeted actions for progress