Search results for: mental health

Transformation comes from within to survive organisational change

Melissa Whiting shares how she has overcome her own impostor syndrome to embrace, sometimes daunting, organisational change

How to turn national minimum wage challenges into a fillip for D&I

Despite its positive impact on the workforce, the national minimum wage still represents a compliance challenge for many UK employers seeking to build a fairer workplace. Jaspal Randhawa-Wayte, payroll expert and Director at Zellis, highlights the complexity of the rules.

The One Young World Summit 2019 is underway in London

The annual One Young World summit, which celebrates its 10th anniversary this year, returns to the capital for the first time since its launch in 2010.

The rise of flexible working – why businesses need to adapt

There could be an end in sight for the days of traditional 9 to 5, office-based working patterns, with more and more people seeking job opportunities that cater to flexible working.

5 ways to help you overcome impostor syndrome

Do you struggle with self-doubt? An estimated 70% of people around the world experience impostor syndrome at some point in their lives.

Inclusion eats diversity for breakfast in the workplace

evosis’ founding director Alison France explains why mastering the art of inclusion is a powerful skill to have.

The rise of employees with caring responsibilities: how employers can help

Caring is overlooked in the workplace, but with a few changes, employers can support workers that have work and caring responsibilities.

Businesses should use Brexit as an opportunity to upskill workers

Brexit is causing a lot of change and unknown within businesses, which is causing employees to experience anxiety and stress. Businesses should counter this by upskilling their workers.

The next big diversity focus |The Millennial Dad at Work

When it comes to discussing Diversity within the workplace much of the conversation over the last decade has been driven toward female and minority representation – and for good reason. However there is another group starting to emerge for discussion, Millennial fathers.

How the gender sleep gap is affecting women every day

New studies have revealed a gender sleep gap, which is affecting women’s day to day life. Stephanie Romiszewski, Bensons for Beds Sleep Expert, shares tips on how to sleep better.