Search results for: discriminate

The key to effective, authentic and inclusive communications post the 2020 racial unrest

As customers become increasingly vocal about buying from values-driven businesses, firms must ensure their statements connect with their actions or they’ll risk being called out

Why are UK workplaces lacking a miscarriage policy?

Digital marketer Hallam and Monzo are among the first UK businesses to introduce a miscarriage policy

EHRC warns retailers about face mask discrimination

Retailers risk violating the Equality Act 2020 if they refuse customers who are exempt from wearing face coverings

McKinsey report offers advice on increasing Black representation in film industry

Black actors face many barriers to equal opportunities and representation in the film industry

What it takes to make a “meaningful investment” in transgender inclusion

Cybersecurity lead Danielle Wood shares some of her experiences as a trans woman in the industry

Stop the silence: Our words shape our world, and your voice matters

Shundrawn Thomas speaks out in support of our Asian American and Pacific Islander colleagues and friends

Insurance professional and community activist secures CDIO role at Alliant

The insurance sector veteran and community activist is moving into the D&I space in her new role

Why are organisations ignoring the business case for disability inclusion?

Hiring people with disabilities is good for revenue, so why are firms stalling on inclusion? Diversability CEO Tiffany Yu says leaders need to self-reflect if they want to unplug their bias

Project#ShowUs continues its mission for diverse female representation in advertising

A media project is furthering authentic female representation in advertising, but female consumers want more body diversity represented in the campaigns of businesses they buy from

Jane Craven and her mission to “remove stereotypes from tech”

Tech veteran and EPOS Sales Director Jane Craven has experienced her fair share of gender discrimination over the years. Now she wants to help those like her break through