Search results for: carers

89% of UK employees have suffered excessive stress in the workplace

The 2019 Stress in the Workplace study puts improving understanding of mental health concern over stress levels at work under the spotlight.

1 in 5 older workers expect to quit to care for family members

The care conundrum: millions of older workers expected to quit jobs to care for adult family members.

Working mums calling for more flexibility in the workplace

Despite numerous government policies to incentivise working mums in the workplace, retention is still a significant struggle.

How to encourage more girls to choose a career in STEM careers

There may not be a clear difference between female and male careers, but society certainly believes that some roles are more suited to girls and others to boys. But what happens when a girl wants to shed the stereotype and pursue a career in STEM?

86% of healthcare workers want more mental health support for staff

UK healthcare workers challenge the NHS to provide better mental health support to its much-needed invaluable staff.

The rise of employees with caring responsibilities: how employers can help

Caring is overlooked in the workplace, but with a few changes, employers can support workers that have work and caring responsibilities.

Maternity as A Masters: life experiences turned into business skills comes to the UK

Life Based Value plans to establish Maternity as a Masters in international markets, starting with the UK, after securing £1.3 million

Managing workplace mental health: the power of high-quality training

Mental ill-health is responsible for almost 13% of all sickness absence days in the UK, while it has been shown that UK businesses could save up to £8 billion per year through better mental health wellbeing support in the workplace. Lottie Galvin from eLearning platform iHASCO explains how.

Sainsbury’s and Omnicom announce firm commitment to disability inclusion

Sainsbury’s and Omnicom demonstrated their commitment to disability inclusion by announcing they have become members of The Valuable 500

Why businesses will miss out by not hiring older staff

There is no denying that society is getting older. For businesses to be successful in the future, they need to take competitive advantage of an older workforce.