Search results for: education system

Women’s Equality Day: assessing the gender gap in STEM

Over 100 years since women secured the right to vote, will it be another century before they achieve equality in STEM?

Code First Girls: supporting women towards a career in tech

Anna Brailsford, CEO Code First Girls, highlights the importance of education, community and gender diversity in tech.

Showing the love(lace) for women in STEM: working toward equality

Today marks Ada Lovelace Day – an international celebration of the achievements of women in STEM. Here six ‘un-stereotypical’ women share their love for the industries, and why businesses and education must encourage greater equality in STEM.

Civica champions International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Makers Academy’s Evgeny Shadchnev on diversity in tech

How to get more women on the journey to technology leadership: Two female IT leaders speak up

The sky’s the limit for those who are supported down an IT career path from a young age

Why are women not joining the construction industry?

The value of gender diversity is seen as critical to business success

The urgent need for equity and inclusion in a divided society

Dr don Trahan Jr. combats anti-DEI movements and pioneers change through Global Equity Entertainment

Driving diversity and inclusion in VC: the impact of the Newton Venture Program

Breaking down barriers the VC runs programmes for under-represented people to gain venture careers