Search results for: low wage

A snapshot of available creative industries apprenticeships

DiversityQ hears about the apprenticeship programmes run to diversify the creative industries

Training and re-skilling our over-55 workforce

Upskilling the over-55s could help plug the impending skills shortage

UKG initiative to advance pay equity for women and minorities

The initiative will try to resolve pay disparity between men, women, and underrepresented groups

Healthcare systems need more women at senior level

Professor Nora Colton is on a mission to improve healthcare systems around the world

Equal Pay Day: the days women work ‘for free’ grows

Equal Pay Day is two days earlier this year, signifying the decline of women’s pay equity

A majority of UK’s ‘top jobs’ pay men more on average

Some job positions have lower gender pay gaps than the 2021 average, but this isn’t enough

Will the Autumn Budget drive equality in the economy? – Business leaders respond

In his Autumn Budget, Chancellor Rishi Sunak has pledged funds to upskilling talent to stem the skills shortage, but where’s the investment in the disabled talent pool?

Gender pay gap data 2020/2021 – why firms haven’t improved and what they need to do

The average pay gap of all firms that submitted their data is the same as the last financial year

New surveys reveal what employees want from a modern-day employer

Employees and senior leaders want to work for a values driven company that prioritises flexibility and a people driven culture

Fears of reduced pay for remote staff rise in US and UK

Rumours of cutting remote workers’ pay are being heard on both sides of the Atlantic