Search results for: mens mental health

Interventions to improve staff mental health

Here are ways your firm can better support staff mental health especially when working remotely

Men in tech – the silent mental health sufferers

There are higher suicide rates in the tech industry than in others

How workplaces can better support men’s mental health

There is still a long way to go in opening up about men’s mental health

Mental health apps and general support for male staff

Homeworking has accelerated the adoption of digital mental health tools

Understanding men’s mental health in the workplace

Men need support to open up about mental health at work

How data is the prescription for better healthcare

Could a healthy dose of data provide an holistic understanding of people’s wellbeing?

National BAME Health & Care Awards 2019 winners announced!

The inaugural national BAME Health and Care Awards ceremony shines a light on the excellence of BAME staff in health and care.

Managing workplace mental health: the power of high-quality training

Mental ill-health is responsible for almost 13% of all sickness absence days in the UK, while it has been shown that UK businesses could save up to £8 billion per year through better mental health wellbeing support in the workplace. Lottie Galvin from eLearning platform iHASCO explains how.

Big or small be mindful of good mental health wellbeing in the workplace

Penny Power is an author, entrepreneur and business owner who openly admits to having struggled with her own mental health.

Optegra: celebrating diversity and inclusion at work

How a specialist eye hospital group sees and cares for every individual and member of staff