Search results for: Training

Sainsbury’s to use The Talk documentary as part of its training on race

Retail giant uses popular Channel 4 show featuring well-known Black Britons to bolster its training on race

Why training in diversity and inclusion is a business’ biggest blind spot

Diversity and inclusion training courses are one of the most overlooked areas of many businesses, but they shouldn’t be…

Three steps to help women access technical retraining

Over £3bn could be added to the UK economy if more women took on STEM careers. It’s never too late to start a new career. Kate Koehn, Program Manager, Amazon Web Services (AWS), explains how technical retraining helped her do just that.

Managing workplace mental health: the power of high-quality training

Mental ill-health is responsible for almost 13% of all sickness absence days in the UK, while it has been shown that UK businesses could save up to £8 billion per year through better mental health wellbeing support in the workplace. Lottie Galvin from eLearning platform iHASCO explains how.

CIPD calls for enhanced management training to curb stress at work

Two-fifths of UK businesses have seen a rise in stress-related absence in 12 months, with heavy workloads and poor management style to blame.

The truth about unconscious bias training

Unconscious bias training is a popular method for company diversity and inclusion initiatives, but does it actually work?

Crafting a comprehensive benefits literacy plan for your employees

Benefits literacy is essential for employees to maximise their wellbeing

How Sage is succeeding in capturing diversity data

Global Head of DEI & Wellbeing Peter de Norville is directing his experience in fighting injustice to building the foundation for sustainable change

UST: Step IT Up helps solve the talent and diversity gap facing the tech industry

Innovative recruiting programme trains and employs underrepresented groups

Driving diversity and inclusion in VC: the impact of the Newton Venture Program

Breaking down barriers the VC runs programmes for under-represented people to gain venture careers