Search results for: Parker Review

Diversify your leadership or you’ll fail your customers, says FCA boss

FCA Chief Executive Nikhil Rathi advises firms to diversify their teams now if they want to manage risk, outperform others and keep their customers happy

CBI sets out to Change the Race Ratio at the top of British businesses

British businesses are launching a new campaign to increase racial and ethnic participation in senior leadership

#IAM Talking About Black the catalyst for change in the investment industry

The #TalkAboutBlack, #IAM Campaigns and Accelerate your Career Conference signal the time for change in the investment industry

Tackling board inequality with diverse junior talent

Concerns have rightfully been raised about the continuing lack of diversity in the boardroom.

30% club sets new targets to boost gender and ethnic diversity on boards

30% Club calls for British businesses to go beyond decade-old targets in the next three years with new goals

New report reveals lack of representation in top FTSE 100 companies

An analysis of the boards of top UK companies reveals a continuing lack of black, Asian and minority ethnicity (BAME) representation.

Target for women in FTSE 100 board roles hit ahead of year-end deadline

Women now hold a third of FTSE 100 board roles, says Hampton-Alexander Review but smaller companies struggle.

‘Old boy’s network’ leaves BAME workers 92% less likely to land boardroom job

BAME employees face routine discrimination by an “institutionally racist old boy’s network”, claims a new study by Anuranjita Kumar.

GOV UK supports top business to Lead the Change on diversity at work

GOV UK announce launch of government-backed board to promote diversity across the UK workforce

Let’s talk about race. Project Race: big, bold and brave on diversity and inclusion

Rob Neil is a long serving civil servant and for the last three years was head of the Ministry of Justice’s Project Race a fixed term and radically new effort aimed at supporting the department’s diversity and inclusion aims and turning the dial on race equality.