Search results for: privilege

Inclusion eats diversity for breakfast in the workplace

evosis’ founding director Alison France explains why mastering the art of inclusion is a powerful skill to have.

Investors must embrace diversity now and invest in diverse founders

Vegard Medbø and Fridtjof Berge, co-founders of Antler, explain why investors must embrace diversity now and look to emerging markets .

Businesses should use Brexit as an opportunity to upskill workers

Brexit is causing a lot of change and unknown within businesses, which is causing employees to experience anxiety and stress. Businesses should counter this by upskilling their workers.

Mental health allies lead the way in MediaCom’s inclusion strategy

The MediaCom mental health ally scheme, novel recruitment process, and reverse mentoring are fostering an inclusive environment

Macho madness – getting around the diversity problem of innovation

Innovation has a diversity problem – one borne of macho madness. Alf Rehn, Professor of Innovation at the University of Southern Denmark, explores the impact of macho madness and lack of diversity within the innovation industry and how this can be solved.

Let’s talk about race. Project Race: big, bold and brave on diversity and inclusion

Rob Neil is a long serving civil servant and for the last three years was head of the Ministry of Justice’s Project Race a fixed term and radically new effort aimed at supporting the department’s diversity and inclusion aims and turning the dial on race equality.

7 Game of Thrones characters your business could learn from – part V


With the much-anticipated final season now over, DiversityQ takes a closer look at the minority characters in Game of Thrones (GoT) and how their diversity not only enriches the plot but helps those in power, stay in power.

7 Game of Thrones characters your business could learn from – part III

Prestigious Cartier Women’s Initiative Awards reveals 2019’s top female entrepreneurs

Study finds diverse members of the tech sector experience discrimination and stress