Search results for: remote workin

New employee experience demands could create more inclusive workplaces

Employee experience demands have changed since COVID-19 and if embraced by organisations, could create more diverse and inclusive workforces

Employees more engaged with D&I than last year

Employees are more engaged with their firm’s D&I but minorities are still disproportionately feeling the strain of the pandemic

Women less likely to want a full-time office position following COVID-19

In the UK, female employees are looking for a flexible working model

iStock data reveals businesses aren’t making their visual communications inclusive enough

While businesses are featuring more BAME women in their visual communications, when illustrating working life during COVID-19, women remain the caregivers

Why are organisations ignoring the business case for disability inclusion?

Hiring people with disabilities is good for revenue, so why are firms stalling on inclusion? Diversability CEO Tiffany Yu says leaders need to self-reflect if they want to unplug their bias

How employee ownership aids diversity and inclusion

When employees don’t feel included, they are more likely to leave. Michael Levin shares how to keep hold of your diverse talent

How employers can secure equality for transgender people in the workplace

While incidents of violent abuse for trans employees is relatively low, lack of supportive infrastructure and microaggressions from colleagues is making some hide their identity

How to turn your recruitment processes into a winning formula following a pandemic

Has the pandemic forced firms to revolutionise their recruitment processes? Nabila Salem, President at Revolent Group, thinks so…

Biggest talent and hiring trends to look out for in 2021

Zoë Morris, President at Frank Recruitment Group, shares how to embrace the new ‘normal’ in recruitment, ahead of our Talent Acquisition and Retention Summit

Why stigmas around leadership, talent, and mental health are holding organisations back

Empathetic leadership, openness about mental health and refugee recruitment are just three workplace stigmas Maryam Meddin is tackling through her business The Soke