Search results for: employees with disabilities

Why are organisations ignoring the business case for disability inclusion?

Hiring people with disabilities is good for revenue, so why are firms stalling on inclusion? Diversability CEO Tiffany Yu says leaders need to self-reflect if they want to unplug their bias

Disability employment gap: “Now Is The Time” to take action, says big business

50 business leaders sign open letter to Prime Minister as campaign launched to close disability employment gap

“Now is the time” to challenge the disability employment gap, says Commission

Ground-breaking report from the CSJ Disability Commission highlights actionable ways to tackle the disability employment gap

Hiring neurodiverse talent: why employer knowledge gaps prevail

Organisations are aware that neurodiverse hires are good for retention rates but lack of resources, knowledge gaps, and access to talent pipelines have stalled their efforts

“It’s important to hold themselves accountable,” speakers discuss workplace demands at WIT GLOBAL

Equity in remote working, the meaning of belonging in an organisation, and next-gen workforce demands were some of the hot topics tackled in the event’s sessions.

High-level diversity and inclusion role key to driving organisational change

Commonwealth Financial Network bolsters its diversity, equity and inclusion strategy with new C-suite recruit.

Non-profit’s $5m cash injection will further The valuable 500’s global disability inclusion agenda

Launched at Davos in 2019, The Valuable 500 is on a mission to foster disability inclusion worldwide by disseminating teachings and leveraging the influence of corporate CEOs

When legal representation falls short: study finds diversity is lacking in law firms

Only 29% of partner roles in large law firms are held by women, despite women making up 47% of the UK workforce

Distributed working can make for a contented workforce

Distributed working contributes to an inclusive and diverse environment for employees. Duncan Greenwood, of VMware explains.

New ‘Forum’ seeks to influence disability and business inclusion agenda

UN’s International Day of People with Disabilities highlights the inequalities disabled people still face in the workplace