Search results for: employees with disabilities

7 ways to boost workplace diversity and inclusion in the next normal

A practical guide to diversity and inclusion in the next normal

Reward Gateway partners with RNIB to launch new accessibility platform

National charity promotes web inclusivity by launching a new online accessibility platform offering discounted benefits.

Businesses answer the cries for disability inclusion – but we aren’t there yet

Airbnb, Mitsubishi Chemical, Nationwide, SAP, UniCredit and Wipro sign up to global disability inclusion movement – The Valuable 500

Access to Work updates for disabled workers should have come sooner

Access to Work: Support for disabled home workers welcome, but should have been communicated sooner, says Business Disability Forum.

The effect of COVID-19 on diversity and inclusion progress

Leading underrepresented talent specialist, MyKindaFuture, explores the effect of COVID-19 on the diversity and inclusion agenda.

The power of collective empathy awakened in business

Will collective empathy be the new normal when we return to the office, benefiting people with disabilities? Caroline Casey discusses.

Wilson James: the journey of creating a diverse workforce – part 1

Wilson James’ CSR Manager Susi Farnworth details what businesses can do to not only recruit, but retain a diverse workforce.

The diversity dilemma of COVID-19: it’s time to stick to core values say Colt

With businesses battling the immediate challenges of COVID-19 will the diversity agenda be pushed back or accelerated?

The Valuable 500 bolsters pledges on World Autism Awareness Day

The Valuable 500 calls on more business leaders to ensure neurodiversity is a key part of business disability inclusion strategies.

How supported employment services can help employers

For companies employing people with disabilities, supported employment services can provide invaluable aid for employer and employee alike.