Search results for: inclusion

How do we make police workforce culture anti-racist?

Through review and data sharing a civil investigation could reform racial discrimination in policing

McKinsey report offers advice on increasing Black representation in film industry

Black actors face many barriers to equal opportunities and representation in the film industry

The impact of microaggressions explored in UK property event for BAME and LGBT+ community

LGBT+ and BAME staff shared their experience working in the UK’s property sector

Why skills are more important than degrees in today’s workplace

IWD21-Insight from Global Female C Suite Leader Teresa Barreira of Publicis Sapient

Why advertising needs to further evolve to be inclusive of diverse communities

…this includes avoiding tokenistic campaigns and stereotyping while respectfully representing the diverse communities they serve

Profit and Prejudice – the struggle for the 21st century

The twenty first century is when everything changes. Prejudice will determine whether humanity wins or loses in the process

Employee trust key to understanding needs of disabled workforce

Organisations wanting to gain an accurate picture of their disabled workforce need to build understanding and trust

Pay by gender, race and ethnicity under the spotlight in California

California state law now requires companies employing 100 or more people to provide information about pay by gender, race and ethnicity

Employees more engaged with D&I than last year

Employees are more engaged with their firm’s D&I but minorities are still disproportionately feeling the strain of the pandemic

Faith is the forgotten D&I characteristic

Why recognising faith groups within the workplace can provide a much needed lift to your diversity, equity and inclusion strategy