Working Parents

Diversity plus inclusivity equals success at Diageo

Mairéad Nayager, Chief HR Officer, shares Diageo’s journey to becoming one of the world’s most inclusive and diverse businesses.

A guide to helping your employees with children work from home

The coronavirus epidemic has sent children home across the country, leaving those working from home with more workload than anticipated.

Remote working is not as doom and gloom as you may think

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, more people across the world will be remote working than ever, but how can you make the best of it?

Working from home – how to facilitate the movement

Working from home has risen globally by 159% since 2005, and amid the COVID-19 outbreak, it has surged in popularity.

Female talent championed at International Women’s Day event

MyKindaFuture hosts International Women’s Day event to explore how female talent can be better supported within UK business.

Empty gestures and passive policies aren’t enough – it’s time for change

Chris Parke, CEO of Talking Talent, looks back on companies’ lack of D&I efforts in 2019 and what needs to change in 2020.

Could equal parental leave create equal opportunity for all?

With the General Election fast approaching, the Labour party has pledged to improve parental leave and women’s working rights in the office.

Flexible working has increased five-fold in the last 20 years

With the number of people working flexible hours increasing by nearly 50% in the last 20 years, this is important when bringing equality to the workplace.

The best and worst industries for dads looking for workplace flexibility

Construction industry comes out top while the advertising industry languishes at the bottom of new workplace flexibility survey.

Working mums calling for more flexibility in the workplace

Despite numerous government policies to incentivise working mums in the workplace, retention is still a significant struggle.