Mental Wellbeing

HR and talent roles among top growing jobs in UK

Women are dominating chief human resources officer and diversity and inclusion manager hires

Supporting employees through Blue Monday

Blue Monday in the workplace must be seen as part of a broader focus on employee wellbeing

How leaders can help create a healthy company all year round

Mental health issues were the number one reason that UK employees took time off work in 2021

Men’s workplace mental health – a new year policy

Employers must get on the same page as male employees about mental health needs

The productivity benefits of a happy and healthy workforce

Invest in staff health and happiness this year and see productivity gains

7 steps to creating good mental wellbeing in your workforce

Many employees feel their organisation isn’t supportive enough on mental health

Putting men’s mental health at the top of next year’s agenda

To help men in the workplace, a ’one-size-fits-all’ approach won’t work

Harnessing employee happiness to retain top talent

Employee happiness is essential to retaining talent

How can workplaces support men’s mental health next year?

The best employers are those who take the mental health of their workforce seriously

Interventions to improve staff mental health

Here are ways your firm can better support staff mental health especially when working remotely