Best Practice

Preparing the workforce as flexible working goes viral

Chris Parke, CEO of Talking Talent, shares top-tips on how to provide employees with clear and supported flexible working practices.

How the tech industry can lead the charge on equality

How can the tech industry embrace equality? Nick Ismail spoke to seven women about their personal experiences to find out.

How supported employment services can help employers

For companies employing people with disabilities, supported employment services can provide invaluable aid for employer and employee alike.

Disability employment gap: what employers want to see from Government

Business Disability Forum CEO, Diane Lightfoot, explains what employers want the Government to do to close the disability employment gap.

Working from home – how to facilitate the movement

Working from home has risen globally by 159% since 2005, and amid the COVID-19 outbreak, it has surged in popularity.

Unilever launches data service to ease Gender Pay Gap reporting

Launch of a new data analytical service set to take the strain out of Gender Pay Gap reporting for other employers.

Should veganism be protected by the Equality Act?

Has ethical veganism shifted in status to become a philosophical belief, which is protected under equality law against discrimination?

Ad agency launches free accommodation employment scheme

The Barracks provides a supportive and safe employment scheme for candidates from lower-socio economic backgrounds.

Female talent championed at International Women’s Day event

MyKindaFuture hosts International Women’s Day event to explore how female talent can be better supported within UK business.

How to build company culture across global, multicultural teams

Want to know how to create a global culture in which multicultural teams can thrive? intive may have the answer.