My Bravest Year: tackling gender inequality in the tech industry
How female leaders in technology are learning to be brave, confident and more assertive to overcome gender inequality.
How female leaders in technology are learning to be brave, confident and more assertive to overcome gender inequality.
Businesses are being encouraged to register for Purple Tuesday to learn more about the purple pound – the spending power of disabled people and their families.
(ISC)2 study uncovers that 74% of businesses took action on diversity in the last two to five years in an effort to create a more appealing and inclusive workplace across age, gender and ethnicity.
Lloyd’s of London takes major steps to curb inappropriate behaviour and sexual harassment in the workplace with a new code of conduct that bans drugs and alcohol from its building.
Online employee referral recruitment platform, Real Links, investigates the true cost of job-hopping to UK businesses.
Women remain heavily underrepresented in the tech industry worldwide
With the much-anticipated final season now over, DiversityQ takes a closer look at the minority characters in Game of Thrones (GoT) and how their diversity not only enriches the plot but helps those in power, stay in power.
This week, as the much-anticipated final season speeds towards its conclusion, DiversityQ takes a closer look at the minority characters in Game of Thrones and how their diversity not only enriches the plot but helps those in power, stay in power – similar to what happens in the world of business.