Posts from diversityq

Games industry pledges to #RaiseTheGame following new census report

New #RaiseTheGame pledge launched following the release of the UK games industry’s diversity census results.

VERCIDA and IBM announce the diversity in the workplace index

Global tech and D&I leadership specialists, announce the Diversity in the Workplace Index at an Inclusive.Hiring 2020 industry event.

Disabled candidates don’t know which employers to trust

Ground-breaking Evenbreak research sheds light on the main barriers disabled candidates face when looking for work.

How to close the gender divide and empower yourself to the top

Antoinette Dale Henderson, author of Power Up: The smart woman’s guide to unleashing her potential, debates the gender divide.

How tech can boost diversity and extinguish unconscious bias

Oliver Cummings, COO of online board and C-level hiring marketplace Nurole, explains how tech can boost diversity across all sectors.

Is the four-day week a realistic flexible working option for businesses?

Know Your Money’s Nic Redfern, looks at the feasibility of a four-day-week as flexible working becomes the norm.

World Economic Forum announces The Valuable 500 as official partner

240 companies, with a combined economic impact of $3.8 trl worldwide, have joined The Valuable 500 in the last year. Has yours?

Equality in action: workplace culture putting diversity to work

Developing a workplace culture of equality is not just the right thing to do. It’s a strategic imperative.

Your bias is preventing you from hiring the best talent

The goal of every hiring manager is to select the best talent possible. But will we ever see an end to unconscious bias in recruiting?

How business can manage xenophobic behaviour in the workplace

Wellbeing charity CABA gives advice on how to spot xenophobic behaviour in the workplace and to support colleagues through it.