
What is American diversity?

Liberty Martin writes her first column from the US

The coding diversity gap – National Coding Week 2018

We spoke to a range of experts and business leaders on the coding diversity gap

It’s time to stop generalising about “bankers”

Julia Rampen explores the tribes and subcultures that make up the financial services industry and asks if more diversity might reduce risk?

The diversity gap in cybersecurity and skills based hiring

Immersive Labs an online training platform that sets out to tackle both the skills and diversity gap in cybersecurity through skills-based job placements

A four day week is not the gender equality quick fix that it seems

In this weeks column, Julia Rampen explores proposals for a four day week and asks who benefits whilst inequalities in domestic life persist?

How to become more inclusive to transgender employees

Here’s how to transform your firm into being transgender inclusive

Strategies for diversity: Q&A with Sarah Kaiser from Fujitsu

Sarah Kaiser talks about her experiences delivering successful D&I strategies.

Sleaze and risk-taking drove the financial crisis – so why haven’t banks embraced #metoo?

Julia Rampen provides her insight on the relationship between banks and the #metoo movement

Employers can stop class discrimination – but first they have to define it

Julia Rampen explores social class and the British workplace and considers how we define social class and how we tackle class-based discrimination.

Women’s Equality Day – Time for change in the STEM sector

The 26th August marks Women’s Equality Day, a US holiday that celebrates women everywhere and reiterates the importance of gender equality