
UK’s new largest cyber accelerator is D&I focused

The programme will support more BAME and female-led cyber firms and nationwide investment

The transport firm with a 5% higher female representation rate

Business Development head Sarah Bott breaks down what Passenger is doing for female inclusion

1 in 4 employers aren’t giving staff paid time off to get COVID vaccinations

The poll also found that 26% of employers had not been paying full company sick pay for staff off sick due to vaccine side-effects

Personality at work – focus on what’s useful, not what looks shiny

Certain personality traits fit with certain job roles and expectations, says Kubiak

How to attract and retain female tech talent

Women are still underrepresented in tech, here’s how to make your firm more gender inclusive

New global survey reveals remote working could boost talent retention

Nearly half of employees surveyed by Globalization Partners feel happier at work since going remote

Women and ethnic minorities continue to be sidelined in top UK firms, reveals new index

In Britain’s biggest companies ethnic minorities and women are in functions that won’t take them to the top

International Youth Day 2021 – engaging young people in the modern workplace

Tech industry leaders reflect on the ways to engage young talent in the workplace

What now for gender equality in a post-pandemic world?

Economies need to build back diversity if they are going to fully prosper in the long term

The importance of accessibility in a digital world

Businesses need to be more digitally accessible for inclusivity