underrepresented groups

Schwab Advisor Services unveils new pro-diversity scholarship programme

The investment advisor wants to help underrepresented groups build careers in financial planning

What employers need to know about DEI and financial wellness

While many firms have doubled down on D&I, are their programmes effective enough?

everywoman: gender diversity must sit at the heart of the post-pandemic workplace

everywoman highlights the D&I challenges met by Facebook and Accenture

Udacity: talent acquisition and CSR working together to boost DEI

Udacity’s Robin Hood approach to recruiting diverse talent in STEM

Remote work will deliver accessible opportunities – Here’s why

Nicole Sahin argues that remote working is helping to level the playing field on a global scale

How data is the prescription for better healthcare

Could a healthy dose of data provide an holistic understanding of people’s wellbeing?

National Grid welcomes disadvantaged youth to a week-long virtual work experience programme

National Grid and MyKindaFuture have unveiled a week-long virtual work experience programme

New study shows that social research sector scores low on D&I

The report found that underrepresented groups tended to have negative experiences in the sector

US partnership to build diverse talent pipeline of early career candidates

AMS has partnered with WayUp to provide their clients with diverse talent

Toolkit to help tech founders pursue D&I as they scale

Tech Nation’s toolkit, including checklists, case studies, and other resources, is available now