mental health

How to tackle presenteeism in the workplace during a pandemic

Presenteeism is on the rise with employees feeling the pressure to turn up to the office at all costs, even when ill

6 common questions around leadership anxieties, answered

A recent report by RADA Business has revealed that 94% of professionals struggle with anxiety around communicating

6 ways employers can ensure employee wellbeing with a remote workforce

The ‘second wave’ of the pandemic is causing havoc for businesses across the UK. Now’s the time to act on employee wellbeing

Headspace announces World Mental Health Day pledge

As World Mental Health Day approaches, Headspace leads by example and encourages companies to “Be Kind to Your Mind”

Unilever’s CLEAR initiative announces eQuoo as a new addition

eQuoo joins Unilever’s global CLEAR initiative to tackle the mental wellbeing crisis among young people across the world.

Firms urged to act as data shows depression has doubled during COVID

Incidents of workplace mental ill-health are on the increase as the strain of the pandemic begin to take a toll

How employers can encourage better work-life balance among workers

The coronavirus crisis has led to greater stress, fear and anxiety, and a worse work-life balance, so how can employers help?

CIPD calls for the right to bereavement leave and pay to be extended

Professional body for Human Resources highlights the need for bereavement leave to be extended in the wake of the pandemic

How do people really feel about going back to the office?

New Breathe survey reveals how people truly feel about going back to the office after months of lockdown in the UK.

MyGWork strengthens LGBTQ+ workplace inclusion during COVID-19

Global recruitment and networking organisation myGwork launches platform to help LGBTQ+ professionals through COVID-19.