Mental health in the workplace

Getting men talking: Removing taboos around men’s health

The need to talk about issues or feelings is often ignored by men

Men’s mental health matters

Men’s mental health is hugely neglected in the workplace, says psychologist Dr Jan Smith

The benefits of mindfulness in the workplace

Could mindfulness help de-escalate men’s mental health issues?

Mental health apps and general support for male staff

Homeworking has accelerated the adoption of digital mental health tools

Understanding men’s mental health in the workplace

Men need support to open up about mental health at work

Employers – stem employee stress and burnout in six steps

Pressure from talent shortages and online working is causing employee stress and burnout

Why diversity and inclusion should be core to strategy and purpose

Legal & General Retirement Institutional’s COO lauds the benefits of partnerships between firms and representative organisations

Covenant to help firms support victims of Child to Parent Abuse

The Department for Work and Pensions and not-for-profit charity PEGS partnered to create the covenant

What’s Possible Group lends its support to World Mental Health Day

Isabella Barrand believes “we may be in the same storm, but we’re in different boats”

Davina McCall to speak at retail event on supporting menopausal workers

Presenter Davina McCall will appear at the retail event in November to discuss offering better menopause support to the sector’s female-dominated workforce