
Cybersecurity: A petri dish for D&I?

Cybersecurity can be a rewarding sector for women where skills and knowledge are valued over identity, but you must be proactive, says Arcanum Operations Director, Jane Chappell

What it takes to make a “meaningful investment” in transgender inclusion

Cybersecurity lead Danielle Wood shares some of her experiences as a trans woman in the industry

3 pillars of digital transformation in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic

Kelly Nuckolls used new ways of working, brought on by COVID-19, to digitally transform Infosystems

Has COVID-19 unlocked womens’ potential in cybersecurity?

COVID-19 has been devastating to many sectors, but not cybersecurity were women are feeling more assured in their roles than ever before. But more work needs to be done to get women into the industry

Cybersecurity leader Jane Chappell could be the female role model the sector needs

Senior cybersecurity professional Jane Chappell wants to encourage more women to enter the sector

Securing against Covid-19, disruption and the importance of D&I in security

Kurt John shares’ Siemens USA’ swift response to the pandemic and the importance of diversity and inclusion in an effective cybersecurity strategy

Why cybersecurity needs more women and is education the key?

Cybersecurity may be a young and dynamic industry, but what is it like to be a woman in the sector?

Why improving diversity in the cybersecurity industry can help solve its growing skills shortage

The lack of diversity in the cybersecurity industry is blatant. Digital Guardian shares how to overcome this undeniable trend

Government CSIIF invests a further £100,000 in developing diverse talent in cybersecurity

The Government’s Cyber Skills Immediate Impact Fund (CSIIF) invests in training initiatives focused on encouraging women, BAME and neurodiverse candidates into a career in cybersecurity.

Code42: why diversity of thought is the key to tech innovation

Code42’s Jadee Hanson explains why a lack of diversity of thought is stifling product innovation in the tech industry.