Search results for: workplace equality

International Women’s Day: closing the women in technology equality gap

Rumblings on why there are so few women in technology continue to no end. Here leading women in tech are choosing to challenge the status quo

We must choose To challenge workplace gender bias

The stubborn workplace barriers to gender equality highlight why this year’s IWD #ChooseToChallenge theme is so important

iSAW launches LIFT to advance gender equality on a global scale

The platform will promote the advancement of women in business worldwide and contribute to closing the gender gap

BAME career progression: tips on tackling barriers in the workplace

Roy Bean knows the effort to carve out a successful career in workplaces still not quite up to par on BAME career progression

Aviva Investors: striving to tackle racial inequality in the investment industry

Marte Borhaug, Global Head of Sustainable Outcomes at Aviva Investors, delves into the firm’s engagement strategy towards racial inequality

Creating a disability-inclusive workplace: top tips for business leaders

Want a disability-inclusive workplace? Inclusive Futures may have the answers with its new Disability Confident Employers’ Toolkit

Race equality: moving from sentiment to action

Co-founder of Race Equality Matters and CEO of diverse recruitment firm Green Park, Raj Tulsiani is making a final call to action to employers as Race Equality Week enters its final few days

WEF launches anti-racism workplace coalition

New World Economic Forum coalition commits to improving racial and ethnic justice in the workplace

Diversity, equality and inclusion are for the whole organisation, not just HR

Global Director Sheree Atcheson is demanding more Demanding More organisation’s DE&I strategies to drive meaningful change

10 things men can do to close the workplace gender gap

Much has been written about the gender gap and often, it’s women who are doing the writing and speaking