Search results for: workplace equality

Make International Women’s Day more than a box-ticking exercise this year

For years firms have been paying lip service to International Women’s Day. Inspired Human’s Perrine Farque calls for 2021 to be the year of challenge

The reason(s) why businesses are stalling on gender pay gap reporting

After having last year off, UK businesses have to submit their gender pay gap data by April 4. Why are they being slow in coming forward?

High-level diversity and inclusion role key to driving organisational change

Commonwealth Financial Network bolsters its diversity, equity and inclusion strategy with new C-suite recruit.

Despite homeworking trend, job flexibility suffers

The pandemic has highlighted great inequalities between those that can work from home, and those that have no flexible working rights at all

Non-profit’s $5m cash injection will further The valuable 500’s global disability inclusion agenda

Launched at Davos in 2019, The Valuable 500 is on a mission to foster disability inclusion worldwide by disseminating teachings and leveraging the influence of corporate CEOs

Career mentorship platform targets graduates from diverse institutions

Industry leaders are joining a platform to offer career advice to underrepresented graduates

Dearth of female STEM students fuels skills gap

More female role models in the STEM industry are needed to plug the gender and skills gap at work

Human-centric innovation: how to drive a trusted D&I future

Fujitsu’s Head of Diversity, Inclusion and Wellbeing – Kelly Metcalf – shares her top predictions for D&I in 2021

Was 2020 a watershed year for D&I? The blue touch-paper is lit for 2021

Chris Parke, CEO at Talking Talent calls for leaders to do more to make our working lives more agile and flexible in 2021

Will the lockdown make 2021 the year of the introverts?

The Myers-Briggs Company honoured “World Introvert Day” with research-backed advice in four critical areas