Search results for: workplace equality

New mentorship programme seeks to counter female quit rate in tech

The new initiative aims to build impactful female networks in tech

Women in IT Summit USA Part 1 welcomed intersectional perspectives on female inclusion

A diverse set of speakers featured in the first part of the Women in IT Summit, USA Edition 2021

Talent firm’s new initiative will help employers pursue real diversity

A new initiative by talent acquisition firm Guidant Global promises real diversity in recruitment for employers via the help of D&I experts

reboot: Be braver and call out conscious bias

State Street’s Ritu Shirgaokar says racial bullying is still an issue in the workplace

Sewell Report says age, location and sample sizes make ethnicity pay gap reporting unreliable

Despite a petition to make ethnicity pay gap reporting compulsory, the report said it should be optional

How leaders can empower more women to the top in tech

Leaders need to adopt grassroots ‘followership’ styles to encourage more women into tech, says Alexandra Limerick at WEX

Pay by gender, race and ethnicity under the spotlight in California

California state law now requires companies employing 100 or more people to provide information about pay by gender, race and ethnicity

Employees more engaged with D&I than last year

Employees are more engaged with their firm’s D&I but minorities are still disproportionately feeling the strain of the pandemic

Financial services firm asks BAME communities to take part in ethnicity pensions gap survey

Interactive Investor is asking BAME communities to take part in a survey to explore pensions inequities

Where you work, do ordinary lives matter?

George Floyd’s legacy could deeply unify – or be remembered in history as a lost opportunity