Search results for: working women

Inclusion and diversity will be a “cornerstone of success” for Philip Morris International

Signalling that inclusion and diversity are business imperatives, PMI appointed its first Chief Diversity Officer earlier this year

Cherie Blair Foundation and Salesforce partner to support female entrepreneurs in growth countries

Partnership marks Women’s Entrepreneurship Day with its commitment to support the resilience and growth of female entrepreneurs

Coventry Uni re-appoints Dr Margaret Casely-Hayford CBE as Chancellor

Dr Margaret Casely-Hayford: a champion of the representation of young people, women and ethnic minority groups on various boards

Why now more than ever businesses should champion inclusive growth

Roxana Mohammadian-Molina argues that it is more important than ever for businesses and their leaders to champion inclusive growth

The risks of unethical artificial intelligence

Removing barriers and creating builders

Tech diversity focus: Jacky Fox, Managing Director, Security, Accenture in Ireland

Jacky Fox, Managing Director, Security Lead Ireland at Accenture talks gender diversity in tech before the summit

Trust, tech and gender

Ahead of the WIT Ireland Summit, Rodvold explores crucial tech themes

Why you should value your ADHD employees

Anna Jakielaszek explains why despite negative stereotypes, your ADHD employees could in fact be your best asset

12m Brits do not believe toxic masculinity is a problem

Free online course plans to educate people on gender history as studies show that toxic masculinity still lurks in society