Search results for: working women

Robert Walters Group acts on commitment to DE&I by supporting Sylvia

Recruitment giant supports suffragette-inspired production at The Old Vic

Equal Pay: Hope for a better 2023?

The average pay disparity between men and women working in the UK has stretched to more than 8%

EU Leadership quotas: The power of ‘AND,’ Vs. the tyranny of ‘OR’

Ritu Mohanka questions whether ‘quotas’ are a blessing or burden

‘I thought I had dementia’: How more menopause support is needed in the workplace

Diversity Project discusses how employers can assist women through menopause

US household income by age, gender, education and more

Household income in the US usually rises per year but COVID-19 changed things

What now for gender equality in a post-pandemic world?

Economies need to build back diversity if they are going to fully prosper in the long term

Father’s Day: what businesses can do to improve the equal parenting gap

What are workplaces doing to recognise the needs of Dads in the workplace?

Why are UK workplaces lacking a miscarriage policy?

Digital marketer Hallam and Monzo are among the first UK businesses to introduce a miscarriage policy

New employee experience demands could create more inclusive workplaces

Employee experience demands have changed since COVID-19 and if embraced by organisations, could create more diverse and inclusive workforces

WIAM speakers talk furthering D&I during COVID-19

The Women in Asset Management Summit Transatlantic Edition took place virtually on Tuesday, 23 March 2021 where the benefits of homeworking and desired leadership traits to have during the pandemic were discussed